Saturday, August 11, 2007

You know what? I realized something tonight.

Zhongwen isn't that scary.

Fo real. isn't that bad.

Why do I work myself up about it soooo? Why is Zhongwen such a recurrent nightmare?
So what if I can't express myself fully at the beginning? Isn't learning a language you don't know part of the exchange experience? :)

Tonight I went to say "goodbye" at Lay's dinner she prepared for her French student and I. We ate a delicious hot pot of vegetables, mushrooms, tofu, and spices....some quite spicy and delicious. She was right; I did break a sweat. And that just made the experience all the more worthwhile.
We talked about everything; from Buddhism and the Dalai Lama, to the new Hong Kong cinema which, in her opinion, is utter crap. Haha, I think I am truly going to miss her...but I can't wait to talk to her again once I get back from Taiwan.

I can't wait until I finally uncover my Chinese personality :)


Anonymous said...

did this frenchy wenchy student happen to be KAHOOO?!? lol. cow poo. how is stacey! it's jeremy haha. just so you don't forget my blog title he. i like your background excelentay.

(to be announced...) said...

hahah! No, but his pronounciation of Chinese words were... >> rather...different <<

Boy, you better get to writing in your journal, soon! :D

"When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap."
-Cynthia Heimel