Saturday, August 18, 2007

So....Time to Fly

This time tomorrow, I'll be on the flight to Narita Airport (about an hour from Tokyo, Japan).
Woooo! Time for another 14 hour flight. Maybe another Singaporean cutie will sit next to me ;) (wink wink wink)

So, for the next 10 months (more or less) I will be living in Hsinchu county/city, Taiwan. I guess the Taiwanese have a hard time spelling in pinyin (part of their own language)....because in reality it spelled and pronounced "Xīnzhú Shì". It is a city in Northern Taiwan (about an hour away from Taipei). It is also the oldest city in Taiwan and is particularly famous for it's rice noodles (yummeh) and "high tech science park". Actually, I've heard Hsinchu really is not that interesting at all; but, at least it's close to the coast (trying to be optimistic here)

My first family's name is Kuo. My host father, aptly named "Tiger", works for a solar battery company, his wife- "Sophie"- is an interior designer who owns a studio in the city. They have three kids; A daughter, "Jo", who will be in Austria for the year, Taylor, who is 19 years old and going to college, and a son named Peter who.....likes to perform magic tricks >>?..?

There is going to be a Japanese exchange student named "Mika" who will be living with my second (and friends of my first) host family. (Seriously, no exchange experience of mine would ever be complete without some Japanese love hehe. ;D Lucky me!) We will both be going to "Hsin Chu Municiple Cheng Te High School" together.
Check it out (if you're curious they've got a nifty pic slideshow!):

So, I guess I shall go back to my daunting task of packing a years worth of stuff in to two suitcases (no more than 50 pounds). phew.
This is the [yet to be named] exchangee signin' out! Goodbye Pittsburgh....


Anonymous said...

HAHA! i can't wait to see you in your "ohayuuuu gozaimasu" outfit might be more of a schema!?! outfit tehe.

I think it'll be so much fun in toewan. oh, btw, say hi to galleta for me!!
that'll be so funny

:P If you're still on, shame shame. you should be sleepin for that flight manana :P. and wow! is that not amazing to think that as you said, within 24 hours, you'll be close to tokyo!!!!!! wooooooo!!!!!!! But then, you'll have to wait and then go to taiwan. and be in the air for technically like 2 days almost haha.

Jetlag is such a stingy bitch, isn't it princess?

;_; lol it is kind of sad but hey! post pics and we be havin funnn grrrrrrrrr. **poof** head explodes.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! you are alive! Thank goodness. You had Jer and I a little worried. How the hell is Taiwan?! There are so many asians here. I think of you when I see them, is that weird? But I was proud today because I could distinguish between Japanese and Chinese listening to scattered conversations. Booya. School is fun so far. My roomates and room are awesome, so I really lucked out.

Meet any hot chicks?

My e-mail is Did you get my e-mail?

Anonymous said...

SHI MAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! WAH! So happy you are doing well lol. I thought they ransacked your internet to de-westernize you or something tehe.

TUlane is fucking...insane. I haven ever seen so many drunk people in one place as here. Like i should've known that you and liz drunk was nothing. AT ALL. compared to this haha. there are people throwing up all the time, screaming, like banging on my door. i be used to it ba now.

OH AND! I met someone from taiwan and someone from mainland china at orientation! haha. they like the "shi ma" jokes too hehe. surprisingly. i am blown away they get the humor tehe.

I MISS YOU STACEY! is it as hard as you thought to communicate in english to parents? "parents" lol. thanks also for the cd. it's all i've beeen listening to here since i got.

oh, looks like my english is sripping again too! Oh and yesterday i went to a job fair, and there were two japanese women just strolling along and they were like "Excuse me, sir, can you prease terr me where the diva rounge is?" andi started cracking up because it was then and only then how retarted i realized they really do sound lol. but i told them hajimemashite....BAD CHOICE X_X they were like "o genki desu ka ka ka ka" and i was like ahhhhh!

do you check your email often? maybe we can all keep in contact that way. keep in touch!! hope all is well :)

chin chin kudasai, no te acuerdes!

"When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap."
-Cynthia Heimel