Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Words of advice from a veteran:

"You know you're a YEP (youth exchange student) in Taiwan when...
You subconsciously hum "the garbage truck song".
When you stick toilet paper in your pockets before you go out -
just in case.
When you're not afraid of regular cockroaches,
only the ones that fly
When your idea of a great night out is going to KTV. ...
When you find can only speak slowly using simple words.
When you have a large collection of Hello Kitty and Snoopy toys (and you think they're cute).
When you start thinking McDonalds is a perfectly acceptable place to meet up
When you get scared about SARS...

When you dont notice how appaling the traffic situation is anymore
When you realise those girls are not saying good morning but saying Welcome in Mandarin.
When everytime you say the number six, your thumb and pinky finger pop up on reflex to clarify.
When tea takes over coffee.

You know every stop on the mrt
When you get stared at everywhere you go...
You immediately make the peace sign whenever someone takes out a camera
When you understand people's chinese better than their english
When you start getting mosquito bites on your knuckles,

When you start thinking a mat is a perfectly normal place to sleep,
When you start answering by "wei gou ren"
When you kill ants for fun,
When rock paper scissors becomes used in any situation
Clothes are cheaper than a meal at mcdonalds.

Girls have more hair on their legs then guys. (:O)
When mullets take over.
When you start drawing characters in the air to explain your meaning better.
When you can recite all the mrt stations in mandarin, taiwanese, hakka, and english
When breakfast sandwiches become your life."

Haha, cockroaches?? mullets?? Hairy women (D:) Awesome....
I'll be trying my best to add on new ones as they come! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daaamn. I like the layout. It's muy muy muy muy bonita.

Ha, I'm sounding more and more like Jeremy as the days go on.

P.S. I cracked to peer pressure. I have a blog too now.

"When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap."
-Cynthia Heimel