Sunday, August 5, 2007

The clock is ticking...

Could there be only two weeks?
Two weeks left until the take off for that tiny island?
15 more days until I will return to Asia. I'll be landing on its leaf! :)
And yet, for some reason, I am feeling unexplainably calm.

The thought of the opportunity ahead-
despite how cliche, this a chance to restart.
I don't want to restart the past, or the people who mean the most. But I want this to be an opportunity to restart myself.
A chance to really change as a person.
Hopefully, I won't fight the changes when they come.

Asia can do that to you, you know; I have seen it before.
Even for that short time, I could see that Japan had changed me. got to me. In ways maybe I couldn't have figured out yet. But now, I feel little older and a little wiser than I did then. And I want to make the most of the time I've been given.
I've been given a second chance in a whole new ocean.

So, looking towards the shore, calmly...I want to dive... :)


James said...

Trust me, you are going to have a blast...

Anonymous said...

yes, i agree with gang boy. you are going to love it dear friend :). i bet you will changae, and we will both become really wise over the next year (and don't forget that party we gonna have oh grrrrrr (explodes head) in harajuku. kudasai!)

"When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap."
-Cynthia Heimel